Monday, February 28, 2011

Tips For a Beautiful Skin

It is a dream of every woman to have a beautiful skin. However, there skin is marred by acne, pimples etc which affect 85% of teenagers and can be seen among 60% of adults as well. Follow certain tips which can make your skin beautiful.

It is clearly seen among women especially that hormonal change such as puberty and menopause causes the skin to become dry, and pale. Elevated hormone levels can cause the sebaceous (oil producing) glands to form greater amounts of sebum (oil). These glands are attached, under the skin, to the sides of each hair shaft, and together form a unit called a follicle. The opening of the skin is referred to as a pore. The oil produced is necessary to lubricate the hair and skin.Most of the time the oil glands produce the right amount of sebum and the pores are fine. When excess oil production is triggered, the pores can get clogged and bacteria begin to multiply, which leads to acne.
It has also been seen that Western fast food cause incidence and severe acne. These, fast food contain carbohydrates and sugars in large. This triggers our bodies to produce a surge in insulin. It also causes an excess of male hormones which encourage the skin to excrete more oil and subsequent abundant growth of bacteria.

Here are some amazing tips for clear and beautiful skin:

* This tip suggests that you should cleanse your skin twice daily. For a beautiful skin it is not necessary to wash your face every hour, as this can strip off too much oil from your skin and trigger over-production to compensate.
* The tip further states that maintain a healthy, well-balanced diet. Eat whatever organic is available. If you have a dark spot or acne apparent on your face, refrain from touching the area.
For a glowy skin, use a moisturizer if you need one. Do not use towel to dry out your skin to treat acne.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Natural BeautyNatural Beauty


You need to visualize the specific changes if you truly want to change your look. What will any improvements you make look like? See yourself with a streamlined body, healthier hair, clearer skin, majestic posture. These changes are realistic and attainable. Stay away from goals you'll never reach.
Don't compare yourself with someone you've seen on the TV or movie screen or on the cover of a magazine. Accept your uniqueness and capitalize on it.

Mirrors Boost Attitude

The quickest attitude adjustment is through reflection. Women who have low self esteem often avoid mirrors like the plague. However, mirrors can become a big ally.
Mirrors can tell you how you're progressing, in those little ways that may not be noticeable to the casual eye. It is the ultimate objective eye.

Do Everything Better

The way you use your beauty products will make all the difference in results.
For instance, try to duplicate what you see and feel your hair is shampooed at a salon. The product is always handled, never poured directly on hair.
Add a massage to your scalp when washing. While rinsing, lift your hair away from your scalp for about two minutes until it squeaks.

Discover The Virtues of Vanity

Confident women enjoy experimenting as a way of relieving stress and boost morale. Women who care about how they look are fascinating to watch, and teach us about taste and glamour. Vanity is a positive virtue, allowing us to fix our heads as well as our looks.

Look Pretty Amazing

Don't worry about looking pretty. Look pretty amazing show the world you care about yourself. Real beauty celebrates individuality. Rather than running around looking for beauty in pricey external products, discover within yourself. Make the most of what you have. You'll learn to like yourself and that will spark a light within.

Do One Thing For Yourself Everyday

Make yourself do it. It's the ultimate act of self-respect. Soak in the bubble bath or read an inspiring book. These little pleasures allow you to feel special. You can fake it if you, until you actually feel deserving of it. Whatever you choose, follow the action by writing down waht you did and how it made you feel. Make it your own "attitude file". Include stories, quotes from friends and photographs that have made you feel good about yourself.
Project Beauty

Feel good, feel pretty and that's just what the world will see. If you feel ugly, that's what the people will see. Try to look as good as you can. There are ways to live in beauty without being obsessive about it.

Find Supportive Friends

What people say, whether intentional or not, make us feel good or bad about ourselves. Look for people who make you feel good when you're down. This person will give you compliment. If you've done something different or if you're wearing something new, they will notice it. Keep this compliments and they will build your self esteem.

Listen To Your Inner Voice

Each of us has a voice inside our head that will give us advice. This is like a therapist. It will guide us in the right direction. It will calm us down, cheer us up and even help us figure out why we're overeating or not bothering to iron our clothes. The problem is that we often don't take time we need to hear this important information. Schedule some quiet time in a leisurely bath or walk, or even while putting on your makeup. Treat this intuition as an inner cheering section.

Take A Break

At least twice a day, set aside five minutes to recheck your make-up, hair, posture and clothing. No matter how impeccably you started out your day, a touch is both necessary and warranted. Take some deep breaths to renew and restore your appearance.

Women who wear makeup - see Uma Thurman - should carry out a routine of cleansing, toning and moisturing turn back the clock each evening, as well as washing the face in the morning. 5 Minute Makeover Cleansing will remove old make-up and the grime and grease that have been accumulated during the day.

* Remove mascara Lashes Unlimited with a cotton bud dipped in eye-dipped in eye-cleansing lotion. To make the job easier keep your hair off your face.
* Remove the eyeshadow - Artistic Palletes - by gently wiping it off with a pad of clean cotton wool moistened with eye-cleansing lotion.
* Pour a little face cleansing cream into the palm of one hand and dab it generously over the nose, chin, forehead and cheeks --- using two fingers of the other hand.
* Massage the cream into the skin, starting under the throat, using a gentle upward motion.
* Continue massaging the cream up to the forehead, using the fingertips.
* Gently massage the cream from the eyes to the nose.
* Massage cream back over the chin, which is particularly prone to blackheads. Use the index finger.
* Remove the cream from the face with tissue pads in each hand. Start under the chin and work over the cheeks and on to the forehead


Toners remove all traces of dirt, make-up or cleanser that remain after cleansing.

* Immediately after cleansing apply toner to the forehead and cheeks on a pad of corron wool
* Apply the toner to the crevices around the nose.
* Apply the toner to the crevices around the chin.


Without moisture, the skin will not remain smooth and supple. The face is exposed to the drying effect of the weather, so moisturisers -- which form a film over the skin -- contain and augment the natural moisture.

* Using the tips ofthe fingers, dot moisturising cream lightly all over the face.
* Press the fingers of both hands into the centre of the forehead and work the cream slowly outwards. Pat the cream gentlyaround the eyes.
* Work the cream around the jawline, chin and mouth with the middle fingers of both hands.
* Massage the cream over the throat with alternating hands, using upward strokes from collar-bone to chin.

Natural Moisturizers for Dry Skin

Does your skin feel like a desert? Not to worry! Soft, supple skin is not a mirage. If you're stuck in a dry spell and searching for relief, try a few of these natural moisturizing techniques to hydrate and revitalize your skin.

Hydrating Facial Mask
In a small bowl, mix one avocado, one raw egg, and one teaspoon of coconut oil to form a creamy paste. Apply the paste to your face and let it work its magic for 25 - 30 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Raw eggs and avocados contain natural moisturizing proteins, making them a super combo for fresh, luxurious skin. Adding coconut oil provides a boost of antioxidants.

Milk Bath
Fill your bathtub with warm water and add up to five cups of rich, whole milk or buttermilk. Light a few candles, turn on some tunes, and soak yourself for twenty to thirty minutes. Milk contains proteins that can help smooth and rejuvenate dry skin.

Oatmeal and Yogurt Exfoliant
Mix one cup uncooked oatmeal and a few spoonfuls of plain yogurt to create an exfoliating paste. Use as a gentle body scrub to remove dry, flaky skin and dead skin cells. The oatmeal will do the scrubbing while the yogurt does the moisturizing.

Maintain a Healthy Diet
Be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day and eat foods high in nutrients. Think fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco - all skin dehydrators, and avoid processed and packaged foods as much as possible.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Whether you call them blemishes, pimples, or zits, most of us experience mild acne at some point in our lives. More often a problem in the teen years, acne vulgaris, as it’s known medically, starts when skin pores become blocked by excess oil and dead skin cells. Some people have severe acne resulting in hundreds of pimples across the face, chest, and back, although many treatments can help.

What Causes Acne?
There are different types of acne. The most common acne is the type that develops during the teen years. Puberty causes hormone levels to rise, especially testosterone. High hormones cause signal skin glands to start making more oil (sebum). Oil releases from the pores to protect the skin and keep it moist. Acne begins when oil mixes with dead cells and clogs the skin's pores. Bacteria can grow in this mixture. And if this mixture leaks into nearby tissues, it causes swelling, redness, and pus. A common name for these raised bumps is pimples.

Certain medicines can cause acne to develop. This type of acne usually clears up when you stop taking the medicine.

It isn't just teens who are affected by acne. Sometimes newborns have acne because their mothers pass hormones to them just before delivery. Acne can also appear when the stress of birth causes the baby's body to release hormones on its own. Young children and older adults also may get acne.

A few conditions of the endocrine system, such as polycystic ovary syndrome and Cushing's syndrome, can lead to outbreaks of acne.

Home Treatment
Treatment at home can help reduce acne flare-ups.
  • Wash your face (or other affected skin) gently one or two times a day.
  • Do not squeeze pimples, because that often leads to infections, worse acne, and scars.
  • Use water-based skin care products that gently clean your skin. Avoid products such as milky cleansers, cold creams, lipsticks, and lip glosses that contain oils.
  • Use over-the-counter medicated creams, soaps, lotions, and gels to treat your acne. Always read the label carefully to make sure you are using the product correctly.
Examples of some over-the-counter products used to treat acne include:
  • Benzoyl peroxide (such as Brevoxyl or Benzac), which unplugs pores.
  • Alpha-hydroxy acid, which dries up blemishes and causes the top skin layer to peel. You'll find alpha-hydroxy acid in some moisturizers, cleansers, eye creams, and sunscreens.
  • Salicylic acid (Propa pH or Stridex), which dries up blemishes and causes the top skin layer to peel.
  • Tea tree oil, which kills bacteria. You'll find tea tree oil in some gels, creams, and oils.
Other products that may help your overall skin condition include skin pore-cleaning strips. When you peel these sticky strips off your skin, dirt and/or makeup is removed by the strip.

You'll have better results if you follow the directions for using topical medicines. If you use a product too often, acne can get worse.

Medicines can help manage the severity and frequency of acne outbreaks. A number of medicines are available. Your treatment will depend on the type of acne you have (pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, or cystic lesions). These medicines improve acne by:

  • Unplugging skin pores and stopping them from getting plugged with oil (tretinoin, which is sold as Retin-A).
  •  Killing bacteria (antibiotics).
  •  Reducing the amount of skin oil (isotretinoin).
  •  Reducing the effects of hormones in producing acne (certain oral contraceptive pills for women).

The best medical treatment for acne often is a combination of medicines. These could include medicine that you put on your skin (topical) and medicine that you take by mouth (oral).

Medication Choices
Treatment of acne depends on whether inflammation or bacteria are present. Some acne consists only of red bumps on the skin with no open sores (comedonal acne). Topical creams and lotions work best for this type of acne. But if bacteria or inflammation is present with open sores, oral antibiotics or isotretinoin may work better.

The most common types of medicines that doctors use to treat acne include:1
  • Benzoyl peroxide, such as Brevoxyl or Benzac.
  • Salicylic acid, such as Propa pH or Stridex.
  • Topical and oral antibiotics, such as clindamycin, sulfacetamide, erythromycin, and tetracycline.
  • Topical retinoid medicines, such as tretinoin (Retin-A), adapalene (Differin), and tazarotene (Tazorac).
  • Azelaic acid, such as Azelex, a topical cream.
  • Isotretinoin, an oral retinoid.
  • Low-dose birth control pills that contain estrogen (such as Estrostep, Ortho Tri-Cyclen, or Yaz), which work well on moderate acne in women and for premenstrual flare-ups. Estrogen softens the effects of testosterone by lowering oil production.
  • Androgen blockers, such as spironolactone. Androgen blockers can be useful in treating acne. These medicines decrease the amount of sebum (oil) made in your pores.

Medicine side effects In general, doctors prefer to use topical products for acne rather than oral antibiotics, which are more likely to have side effects. Oral antibiotic side effects can include:2, 3
  • Yeast infections (women).
  • Diarrhea.
What To Think About
If you are pregnant, talk to your doctor about whether you should take antibiotics for acne. Some antibiotics are not safe to take during pregnancy.

Over time, bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics, which means that the antibiotics are no longer effective at killing or controlling the bacteria causing the acne. This is called drug resistance. When this occurs, a different antibiotic may be used.

After acne is under control, you often need ongoing treatment to keep it from returning. This is the maintenance phase of treatment. Your doctor may suggest treatments other than antibiotics for long-term use, to avoid the risk of drug resistance.

Topical medicines usually have fewer and less serious side effects than oral medicines. But topical medicines may not work as well as oral medicines for severe acne.

Isotretinoin (such as Sotret) and tazarotene (Tazorac) can have serious side effects. Women who take isotretinoin or tazarotene need to use an effective birth control method, to avoid having a baby with serious birth defects. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced that the companies that make isotretinoin have a program to register doctors who prescribe isotretinoin and the people who take it. The program is to ensure that women taking this medicine understand the risk of birth defects, take precautions to avoid pregnancy, and know what to do if they become pregnant. If your doctor suggests that you take isotretinoin, you must be registered with iPLEDGE in order to get the drug.

The FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research division has also warned that isotretinoin (such as Sotret) may be linked with depression, psychosis, and, in rare cases, suicidal thoughts or attempts. The link between this medicine and depression is not clear and is being watched very closely. Talk to your doctor about the side effects of isotretinoin to decide whether it is right for you. If you are taking isotretinoin and feel depressed, see your doctor for treatment.